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Sweet Pea North Shore


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Lathyrus odoratus

Every cutting garden deserves a row of fragrant, nostalgic sweet peas. A fistful of these demure little blooms are how Floret was born and they continue to spellbind me each season. A must grow novelty, and one of my all time favorites, this stunning two-toned bicolor bred by Dr. Keith Hammett has deep navy standard petals with soft violet wings.

Plant type: annual
Height: 6-8 feet
Amount of sun: full sun
Days to maturity: 75-90 days
Approx seeds per packet: 10

How to grow:
In mild areas seeds can be sown in pots in the fall, wintered over in a sheltered spot and planted out in spring. Everywhere else, sow seeds 10-12 weeks before the last frost and plant out right around the last frost. Provide a strong trellis or support for vines to climb.

For detailed growing instructions, please visit:

Harvesting/vase life:

For the longest vase life, pick when there are at least two unopened flowers at the tip. Vase life will be shorter when picked more open. Sweet peas are a short-lived cut flower, lasting at best 4-5 days in a vase. Adding a source of sugar or flower food to the water will extend vase life a few additional days.